Character Concepts

Sam Printer, the character has some serious issues he deals with and how they relate to Sam Guss, the player:

  • Social Anxiety
    • As a player I deal with this, but not nearly to the degree the character does
  • General Anxiety Disorder
    • As a player I deal with this, but not nearly to the degree the character does
  • Survivor’s Guilt
    • A Role-Playing angle only.
  • General Depression
    • As a player I deal with this, but not nearly to the degree the character does
  • Severe Introversion
    • As a player I deal with this, but not nearly to the degree the character does
  • Low Self-Esteem
    • A Role-playing angle only.
  • Social Awkwardness
    • Mostly a Role-playing angle only. As a player I deal with this but don’t think about it too much.
  • Paranoia
    • *whistles*
  • Fear of Acceptance
    • A Role-playing angle mostly.
  • Hearing “voices”/Negative reinforcing internal dialogue
    • As a player I deal with this, but not nearly to the degree the character does
  • PTSD
    • A Role-playing angle only.

In the K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) formulae:

Sam Printer is a heavily flawed character in a redemption story arc, where his own issues fight against him from becoming the type of person he wants to become.

In the more complicated, onion layers analysis…

  • This is an exercise not just as a role player but as a story teller to tell this type of story (albeit within an already constructed universe) for a variety of reasons:
    • As a way to identify and empathize with those who go through these issues on a more severe and personal level.
    • To develop themes for future writing projects.
    • My love affair with redemption story arcs.
    • Flawed characters > heroic characters IMO.
  • Sam Printer was originally a “test the waters” character for Dystopia Rising. I am now using him as a prelude to my upcoming character Remington Masters who is Sam Printer’s father figure and whose influence Sam Printer aspires to be. By “discovering” these qualities within himself and striving to be more like Remington, it also helps flush out Remington as a character for when I the player step into his shoes.
  • It is my sincere hope that Sam Printer’s story, whether partially in a single hype or as a fully developed character arc, inspires someone who is dealing with any of the issues that Sam Printer is going through and finds encouragement within his story.
