The Final Hours of Sam Printer

The Final Hours of Sam Printer

Part One: Lifetimes in the Gravemind

A fist broke through the sod again. Hadn’t he arose again? How many times? Standing in the fields of Temple Station he saw her coming again. Coming to murder him yet again. Over and over. Sparrow, coming to end him yet again in this unending cycle of life and death. In between times he remembered, his life, others lives, Sparrows life.

A fist broke through the sod again. One of the lives wanted to stay buried. Believed forgotten and at peace. Safe, warm, and loved. Sam Printer considered that life weak and yelled and bullied at the life, that we had to return to the living. Yet at the same time, this life was his. He had lived it. Every single minute. Then Sam Printer was murdered. Betrayed. Sparrow again had struck.

A fist broke through the sod again. One of the lives had lost his faith. The same faith as Sam Printer. It shook him to his core. Sam Printer was empathetic to this life. He recognized this life. It had baptized him into the faith and yet, here he was lost. Sam Printer lived this life and knew the powers that linked faith and natural selection and was in awe. Then the shocking loss of it all. A light burned out. Then Sam Printer was murdered. Betrayed. Sparrow had stuck again.

A fist broke through the sod again. This life was free yet imprisoned. Free yet responsible for a movement that some called terrorism. He hated this life. She had murdered him. She had betrayed not only him but others. All in the name of survival, freedom, and life. In the end she didn’t see allies and not allies. She saw people trying to keep her caged, keep her leashed, keep her form her true potential. Sam Printer was one of them. She had a war to fight and here he was behind the fighting and directing others into mortar fire. He was the enemy. He must die. Afterwards, she too fell in battle and she knew it was her last time at life. She had failed. She would not have failed if it wasn’t for that Sam Printer. He was a distraction and cost her the war. Cost her freedom and her life. She hated him. Then Sam Printer was murdered. Betrayed? Sparrow tore through his mind, lodging there.

A fist broke through the sod again. This life was his. He hated it, the voices echoed. He wasn’t so different from Sparrow. He had betrayed others in his past. He had caused the death of entire settlements. And for what? So he could live? He’d only end up dying over again because of trying to redeem himself and not even make a difference. Hell, he would even be murdered for nothing. And for what? So he could be free? He wasn’t free of the voices that were his constant companions. The ones who reminded him of every fault, every mistake, every wrong move in his entire life. And now, a new voice over rode them all. Her voice. Sparrow. Then Sam Printer was murdered. Betrayed. And this time he arose from grave for real. In a place he didn’t recognize but somehow knew, was Boot Hill in Bravo. A chill ran down his spine and he staggered towards the road, his insides churning and burning. His head aflame and with Sparrow riding shotgun…

Part Two: The Psion Projection Attack

They could tell their crew was worried about them. They didn’t have to be. They were on a mission and only needed their help to get them to the saloon where they could plan. They heard the muttering, the whispers. Their friends surrounded them but only saw Sam Printer. Sparrow hated him. How dare he have family and friends who cared. He didn’t deserve that! She did. She was the one who had sacrificed everything, even in death, and this fool was surrounded by people who cared for him?

At the saloon, they poured over the reports laid about the war table. Recognizing groups and parties they needed to reach out to. But oh so many questions. Members of the war council came and went, as did the mayor. They all looked at him with widening eyes. This was not the Sam Printer they knew. But of course, they weren’t dealing with just Sam Printer. Sparrow hated Printer for not letting her simply take full control. It would be so much easier!

The doors to the saloon blew inward and Sam Printer screamed in terror as Sparrow advanced on him, jumping on him, forcing him to the table, hate burning in her eyes as a maelstrom of fire swirled around them. Burning everyone in the vicinity. Sparrow screamed at him, and THEY screamed back. There was no help forthcoming. No one had stepped forward to defend them, or to help them. On one hand he couldn’t blame them. He had seen fire maelstroms before, but never like this. Never this fast and heavy. While Sparrow screamed at them and Sparrow in his mind controlled his vocal chords and screamed back, Sam Printer pulled out his pistol. He witnessed more than felt, him stand and force Sparrow back and placing the barrel to her head, pulled the trigger. The projection was dead.

Those left alive in the saloon stared at him. He was unharmed. Everyone had seen the psionic projection attack him with a murderous objective and after minutes of constant conflagration he stood there. Unharmed. The shadow dissolving on the floor at his feet, testimony that it had been him, Sam Printer who killed the great Sparrow’s psionic projection.

“We have work to do,” Sam stated as calmly as he could and together they turned back to the war table and it’s reports. Studying. They ignored the whispers and conjuncture around them.

Part Three: General Sharkface and His Men

“Sam, there is a bio mass in your chest and we think it belongs to Sparrow. It would explain why you were immune to her attacks earlier but if that projection comes back, you are putting us all in danger. We need to remove it.”

Sam could only swallow hard the bile that had arisen in his throat and croaked out a “yes, let’s do it.”

Sparrow only smiled and nodded in what could be defined as satisfaction.

Of course, getting a surgery this night would prove difficult at best. Raiders and Zed were everywhere in Bravo and soon after the surgery discussion, the call went out that Shiva was under attack. Even the out of town militia formed up ranks to go and defend there.

“Sam, we need you to stay here out of danger. Not for your sake, but if Sparrow comes after you again, in the middle of a fight like that isn’t the place.”

So, Sam sat with the few others in the Saloon and waited for the return of the townsfolks. Willow sat over at the war table writing missives and telegrams. Lyra sat with him, to keep an eye out for Sam, as he was known to go off and do his own thing, with or without a psychotic Psion terrorist riding shotgun. Sam could see she was frightened and didn’t blame her. Sparrow looked through his eyes and simply saw prey.

The out of town militia came crashing back through the doors of the saloon. A jolt and then calmness. They had returned form the fight, no big deal… until they slaughtered Willow and advanced on Sam next. Lyra somehow found a place to hide and his eyes were locked on hers as he was killed by what was not just any out of town militia, but troops from General Sharkface.

Part Four: Into the Gravemind Again

In the black and grey light of the afterworld, Sam Printer followed Sparrow. The back of her head was blown out and black mist and fog trailed from within it, leaving a smoky trail.

Softly, almost demurely, she spoke. “I hate you. You failed. I failed.”

Sam, followed not saying anything back. In fact he fought hard to keep his tears in check. She was right. He had failed. He had failed both her and himself. Funny, how he didn’t remember this when alive but he and Sparrow had a plan. He remembered in life he knew the concept and had even pointed out to his crew, that while he and Sparrow had hated each other, they were on the same side and bonded to a common goal.

That goal would never be fulfilled now. He and Sparrow were walking to the Edge of the End of All Things and this time they both knew there would be no coming back. Sam recalled how he had foretold that either he or she would have to remain in the gravemind. He was wrong. They both would stay and it was his fault. He had failed in his mission for her.

Softly, she spoke again. “You failed. I hate you.” 

It was if she was trying to hold onto that thought, as if it would keep her alive. Sam Printer was ready for it to end. His voices rejoiced as for the first time in his so called life, Sam knew despair and self loathing and the tears came unbidden. He was ready and there at the Edge of Nothingness he started to step off and fall into the nothingness before him.
“NOOOOOOOO” a scream echoed all around him, shaking the ground beneath him and the air around him. Sparrow, stopped and spun in shock. A hand grabbed him and PULLED.

“RUN!!!” Slink shouted at him as she and someone he did not recognize grabbed him and ran. He had no idea where they were running to or where, but suddenly he could feel the cold air around him and being breathed into his lungs and he fell forward onto the ground.

The pain in his chest exploded and he knew the biomass was still there. And he could hear Sparrow laughing inside his head. Of course, it was actually out loud but who could fault a man for being relieved that he had been spared that last step somehow. Apparently he was no on something called his “Last Dance.”

But Sam knew it wasn’t a dance. They had work to do and together, somehow stronger now and at peace with each other for the time being, started walking towards town and to finish the mission he had been given. How many lifetimes ago was it now?

Part Five: The Surgeries

It took three or four people operating on Sam Printer to remove the bio mass. Before passing out, Sam Printer heard the words, “oh my gawd, it’s a psionic’s brain” and he knew betrayal one more time. His mission wasn’t about saving Bravo, it was to bring back to life the psionic brain of Sparrow. How could he be so stupid. In his mind, Sparrow laughed. She was still there, despite the brain being removed.

For the next few hours, Sam said his good byes. He was bitter. His Last Dance was supposed to have brought hope to Bravo and instead he instantly knew he had brought them death. Yet again, a settlement would fall and it would be his fault. Betrayer would be his ultimate legacy. He kept a smile as much as he could and spoke nothing of this to his crew. He alluded that Sparrow was still in his mind and passed off that as any reason for the horror and fear in his eyes.

A moment happened though that would help bring him peace though and perhaps not make his life completely worthless. As a matter of fact in an odd way it would ensure he lived on and doing something good and wonderful. Bea had brought a couple of her out of town friends to see Sam. One was an Iron from Crystal Creek who had no larynx and thus could not speak or make a sound.

It was a small thing, he wouldn’t need his voice. He even spun it to his crew. “Look, if you ever go to Crystal Creek, look up the Iron Bud. When he speaks, you will hear my voice. I shall live on for you.”

After the complicated surgery Sam wrapped the bandage around his neck and settled in for a night of compatriotism with his crew. He smiled, would have laughed if any sound was capable and enjoyed what was left of his time. He was done. It was finished.

Part Six: A Final Confrontation

Gorehounds killed his best friend Scrap. He wished his Last Dance was over. He didn’t want to feel the pain of losing his friend after all this. He stumbled out of the saloon to head to the morgue. He had no expectation of making it and quite frankly didn’t care if he did. Within a few paces, the gorehounds jumped him. He could not scream from the pain and that in itself as a relief. No one else would be put in danger because of him. Of course, then someone had to go save him and pull him back into the saloon.

As he was being patched up he saw Ahri, Bravo’s deputy with something he was showing off and suddenly Sam Printer wasn’t ready to die yet. It was the psionic brain of Sparrow’s. He quickly scratched out the problem with pen and paper and showed it to his crew and others but no one understood what the problem was. At best they though him delusional.

So he walked up to Ahri and confronted him with pen and paper in one hand and drawn sword in the other. His demands simple. The brain of Sparrow must be destroyed. NOW.

It took a few people to intervene and keep the peace, but eventually Ahri told Sam the true use behind the brain. That it would act as a part of a device, a weapon that would protect and keep Bravo safe. At first Sam didn’t believe him and then like a door opening, he saw into Sparrow and saw her true intentions from the very beginning. Yes, she hated him, but amongst the four of us in the gravemind together, I was the most suitable to survive the mission and deliver the psionic brain to the people of Bravo to use in their defense. It would be both Sam Printer’s and Sparrow redemption,.

It hit like a brick and took him a moment and he realized he had been wrong about everything,. He had helped save Bravo not destroy it. He had done good and could be at peace finally. Sam Printer faded into nothiness at the morgue after escorting others to wait for his friend Scrap. It was a good ending.

Part Seven: Emptiness

Sparrow waited at the Edge of the End of All Things, left there as he remembered. She was ready for her last step into nothiness, but couldn’t until her brain was done doing what it must out in the world. She looked over at him and nodded. “You did it.”

It wouldn’t matter and no one would ever know or care, but two things happened in his final moment as Sam stepped over the Edge. One, the voices finally stopped. Two, he would have sworn he saw sadness in Sparrow’s eyes, as if she would miss him.
